I’m excited to announce a couple of new regular features here on The Animal Store Blog.

I get to see a lot of happy faces when pets meet their new families, like the guinea pig shown here with his smiling new owner. (Trust me, I recognize a happy guinea pig when I see one.) Each week on the blog, we’ll be featuring Wordless Wednesday, with some of our favorite photos.

We also get a lot of questions here at the store, so Kenn and I are working together on a new feature we’re calling FAQ Friday. Each week, we’ll try to answer some of your most common (and maybe a few uncommon) questions. If you have questions you’d like answered, just ask me (Ernie the Answer Fish) by leaving a comment here on the blog or fill out the form on home page. We’ll answer your questions directly, and choose some to feature on the blog on FAQ Friday. Stay tuned.