“Imagine an animal that begins its life in the water, but ends it on land—already, that’s pretty weird. But, also, a lot of them are incredibly tiny and look wildly improbable.”

Annalee Newitz, Writer

The Animal Store’s amphibian collection changes from week to week. Some are seasonal, all are strange and beautiful. We carry everything from small tree frogs to giant cane toads. Be sure to ask about the amazing axolotl. You’ve never seen anything like it.  

Amphibian Habitats and Supplies

Creating a beautiful habitat for your pet is easy at The Animal Store. Our habitats range from plastic cases to stunning front-open glass terrariums. We also have:

  • substrates, including mosses and mulch
  • waterfalls and pump
  • automatic misters and foggers
Woman with Frogs

More on our amphibians

Fun Fact

Amphibians absorb oxygen through their permeable skin, which helps them breathe

For more great information, check out the care sheets from our favorite veterinarians at Chicago Exotics Animal Hospital.