Allergy-friendly Pets
While there are no guarantees any pet will be completely hypoallergenic, some species and breeds are better choices. Start with your doctor or allergist. Ask [...]
First Pets
Susan Bearman2017-04-09T00:54:25-05:00The number one question we hear at The Animal Store is: What's the best first pet? The answer is easy: it depends. Unfortunately, that's not what anyone wants [...]
FAQ: Easter Bunnies
Why don’t you sell bunnies for Easter? We love bunnies here at The Animal Store and we sell a lot of cute ones to people who really want a pet rabbit. But [...]
FAQ: Small Animals and Chewing
Why does my small animal need something to chew on? Many small animals have special teeth (called open-rooted teeth) that grow continuously. Some pets with teeth that never stop growing include: all [...]
FAQ: Hand-feeding Birds
What does it mean to hand feed a bird? Hand feeding means putting liquefied food directly into a baby bird’s crop (a kind of pouch in the bird’s throat that is part [...]
FAQ: Feeding Fish
How often (and how much) do I need to feed my fish? Normally, we only answer one FAQ each Friday, but these two questions are totally related, so this week you [...]
FAQ: Hamsters
What kind of hamsters do you carry? There are so many furry, friendly hamsters at The Animal Store that it’s hard to keep them straight, so I asked the staff for some info. They [...]
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday
I’m excited to announce a couple of new regular features here on The Animal Store Blog. I get to see a lot of happy faces when pets meet their new families, like the guinea pig [...]