Crested Geckos

at at glance

Average Life Span: 10 – 20 years

Average Size: 7-10 inches long

Diet: commercial crested gecko food, live food, fruit, baby food

Housing Needs: large glass tank with screen cover; additional heat and light

Veterinary Care Required: annual check-ups recommended

Attention Needs: frequently handling while young will make them better pets

Hobby level: advanced beginner

Crested Geckos


Eyelash Crested Geckos are small reptiles that are calm and easy going if handled carefully and frequently when young. Crested geckos are quite beautiful, with a yellow or brownish body and white stripe along the back. They come in a variety of color morphs, including tans, yellows, oranges, reds, greens, and a even few darker colors. Crested geckos will lose (or drop) their tails under stress; it will not regrow once lost.



Gecko Habitats

Young crested geckos are only 3-4 inches long, but plan for how big it will be when full grown. It’s best to start with a 20-gallon long tank, which will serve as a good habitat for the life of your gecko. The cage should be lined with a coconut bark or other moisture holding material. Include several branches for your gecko to climb, as well as plastic or live plants and a hollow half-log for hiding.

Crested geckos need high humidity (60-90%). Monitor the tank with a humidity gage and mist the sides 2-3 times a day.

Like all reptiles, crested geckos are cold blooded, which means their internal temperature is controlled by their external environment. Crested geckos, however, are one of the few reptiles that do not require a heat lamp, and being nocturnal, they do not need full spectrum UVA/UVB lighting, although this lighting has proven beneficial. They should be under fluorescent lights for 10-12 hours a day. If you have questions, ask the experts at The Animal Store.

Set crested gecko habitat temperatures as follows:

  • daytime temperature — 75-80°F ; not higher than 84°F
  • evening temperature — not lower than 65°F


Crested geckos are omnivores and eat a variety of food. A commercial crested gecko food is the best way to ensure a properly-balanced diet for your gecko. Young crested geckos should be offered a few crickets every day; adult geckos should only get crickets a few times a week. Crickets should be dusted with calcium and D3 powder, as well as a vitamin supplement powder. In addition to live food, crested geckos will also eat a variety of fruit (baby food fruit works well). An adult crested gecko will eat a tablespoon of baby food every day.

Important Note

Do not feed your crested gecko wild-caught bugs, as they may contain dangerous insecticides. Never feed your reptile a firefly. Fireflies are of the genus Photinus, which contain chemicals called lucibufagins that are deadly to some reptiles. We have known customers that have lost their animal within an hour after it eats a firefly.

Vacation Care

We board all kinds of reptiles at The Animal Store, so contact us when you are making plans to go on vacation.

Fun Fact

Crested Geckos—or Eyelash Geckos—have large, beautiful eyes topped with short spikes that look like, well, eyelashes.