Please help us find Spur.
*Update: Spur was returned safely on July 4, 2011.
In the wee hours this morning, we go a phone call at home — never a good sign. Someone had broken into The Animal Store here in Lincolnwood and stolen Spur, our 70-pound, four-foot-long Sulcata Tortoise.

Anyone who has visited us knows that Spur is a part of The Animal Store family and a part of the community. People who come for coffee at Starbucks next door will stop in and say hi to her. Kids love her and she frequently travels with Kenn on school visits, scout troop visits and visits to homes for the elderly. She has lived with us here with us for 20 years, but is actually about 30 years old.

Her beauty, size and visibility in the community make Spur easy to recognize. It’s hard to hide a 70-pound tortoise. In addition to missing her terribly, we are very concerned for her welfare. Sulcata tortoises need a specific kind of lighting (that is very expensive), and have exact humidity and special dietary requirements. If these needs are not met, Spur could become very sick or even die.

If you have any information about Spur, or think you have spotted her, please contact the Lincolnwood Police at their non-emergency number (847) 673-2167. We would like her returned as soon as possible.