Please write an email to help The Animal Store.

A small, very vocal group of mostly outsiders wants to limit your access to pets in Lincolnwood.

Maybe you’re a dog person. Maybe you’re a cat person. Maybe chinchillas are your jam. Or maybe it’s …

  • Rabbits
  • Parrots
  • Tarantulas
  • Chameleons
  • Tropical Fish

At The Animal Store, we love all pets. For more than 30 years, we have provided the families of Lincolnwood and surrounding communities with pets, education, supplies, and support. We love what we do. We work hard and we follow every rule and regulation.

We are licensed and inspected regularly.

We take care of the animals while they’re in our store. We take care to help our customers learn about the pets that will join their family. We are committed to creating healthy, happy relationships between our human customers and their pets.

There are those who don’t think you know which animals belong with your family. Who think they should get to decide.

For many months these protestors have picketed our store. That’s their right. Our customers support us. Our community knows we care for our animals. Our Village knows that we abide by the rules.

But the Village is being inundated by these noisy outsiders who monopolize public meetings and waste the time and energy of our officials. They show up to every Village meeting trying to shut down our store. They want to control who can own pets, which pets you can bring into your home, and where you can obtain them. These are the only voices Village officials are hearing.

We thought the issue was resolved, but they just won’t stop.

Most people in the community are unaware of the agenda of this vocal minority. The Village has been very supportive, but they need to hear from you.

You Can Help

Tell The Village Trustees that the greater Lincolnwood community is passionate about our pets.

Please take a moment to email the Village Trustees and let them know you support The Animal Store — save this full-service pet shop. Support our local business. Support pets in Lincolnwood.

Names of the Village Trustees are below, as well as a sample letter.

In-person Support Welcome

This small minority shows up to every Village meeting. The board meets about twice a month on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 at:
Village of Lincolnwood, 6900 N Lincoln Ave, Lincolnwood, IL 60712. Here is a link to the calendar. We welcome your support at the meetings as well.

You must sign up in person at the beginning of the meeting to comment. You have up to three minutes to speak.

Contact the Village of Lincolnwood

Address your emails to:

Jesal Patel, mayor

Sample Letter

A few words — something as simple as “We love The Animal Store!” — would be great. If you need something more formal, here is a sample letter.

Dear Trustee,

We support The Animal Store, a long-time business in Lincolnwood. This small business provides animals, education, supplies, and support to the pet families of our community. They follow the rules and regulations of the Village. Please support pet families and The Animal Store.

Thank you,

Your name
Your address (city at least)

The Animal Store is committed to the people and pets of Lincolnwood. We’re in this together.

Your simple email will help!

Thank you for your support!