People ask us all the time if our house is filled with pets. My wife always says we own hundreds of pets and the kids can come visit them here at The Animal Store any time they want, but she’s not as tough as she sounds.

Over the years, we have had many animals in our home. Most of them have been short-term visitors — baby birds that need to be fed around the clock, an ailing animal or two that needs frequent medication, or some young animals that need to be handled and played with to be socialized properly.

We’ve had turtles, a Pacific Parrotlet named Pipsqueak, a cockatiel named Rosie, and a 115-gallon salt-water aquarium. When it was time for a family dog, our research about allergies and animals led us to choose a soft-coated Wheaton Terrier. Some of you knew our first Wheaton, named Roscoe, who passed away a couple of years ago. If you’ve visited the store lately, you have probably met Hazel, our new Wheaton.

At 18 months, Hazel has settled nicely into the family. Just when she was getting comfortable, I brought home our latest addition — the cute little guy you see here. We’ve decided to name him Pirate, in part because he is blind in one eye. Hazel is still not quite sure about him, but is having a good time checking him out and trying to steal his food.

In honor of Pirate, the new addition to both the Bearman family and The Animal Store family, we are offering a 30% discount on any cat toy, treat or accessory. Just mention the Pirate blog post.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter for additional discounts.

*Offer good on white tags only and valid through July 4, 2009