I, Ernie Gourami Fish, am the ruler of all I see. Which means everything on the west side of The Animal Store.
I’ve been here in my big tank at the back of the store for more than 20 years. It’s a good place. Nice decor. I’m comfortable. But I’ve never been outside. Thanks to the latest submission to our photo/video contest, I now know what The Animal Store looks like on the outside.
Here’s the thing — it’s much better inside. The picture’s great, but the building is a little boring, you know what I mean. And Starbucks gets a lot of attention. But come inside our place and a whole world opens up. A world of animals and kids, pets and supplies. Some people call it “the Who-Knew Zoo”. You won’t believe how much animal stuff we’ve got in here. And furry folks, and feathered ones, plus the scaly guys in the reptile department. We believe in diversity.
Come in for a visit. Meet all my friends. Ask Kenn if you can give me a treat (I love treats — crickets and grapes are my favorites). Now that you know what we look like on the outside, we’re easy to spot — on the north side of Touhy, between Lincoln and Crawford. Bring your camera and takes some pics of the inside. It’s a much better view. Then send them to me, Ernie G. Fish.
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