Lutino Lovebird
Hatch date — September 1, 2023
SOLD 3/13/24
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This sunny little lovebird boasts a bright yellow body with a peach face. Happiness in feathers. Despite its small size, the lovebird is a true parrot.
Lutino lovebirds are a sub-breed of the peach-faced lovebird. They are friendly and social, and can be very affectionate when well socialized. These gentle souls are not aggressive, but they are playful and energetic and enjoy a lot of attention. With a healthy diet and good care, Lutinos can live between 15 and 30 years.
Come visit all our beautiful birds in the baby bird nursery at The Animal Store.
More Baby Birds at The Animal Store
These are just the latest arrivals in our baby bird nursery. Lots more birds in store: parrots, cockatoos, conures, cockatiels, finches, budgies, canaries and more. New baby birds every week. Stop in soon.
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