FAQ: Small Animals and Chewing

2017-04-04T01:18:39-05:00Categories: Animals, FAQs, Kenn Bearman, Pet Information, Pets, The Animal Store|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Why does my small animal need something to chew on? Many small animals have special teeth (called open-rooted teeth) that grow continuously. Some pets with teeth that never stop growing include: all [...]

Chews and Hides can Keep Your Pet Healthier

2016-11-21T12:34:05-06:00Categories: Deals & Discounts, Pet Supplies, The Animal Store|Tags: , , , , , , |

Lumber-Jacks New Trainer Maze One of the biggest trends we've seen is an increased interest in the health and well-being of our pets. It's no wonder, since our furry, feathered and fishy friends capture our [...]

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