Halloween Sale — 20% Off Storewide
I knew something big was brewing around here. Fish can sense these things, you know. And now, the big secret is out. We're having a sale! Not some little run-of-the-mill, take-a-few-pennies-off sale. A BIG [...]
I knew something big was brewing around here. Fish can sense these things, you know. And now, the big secret is out. We're having a sale! Not some little run-of-the-mill, take-a-few-pennies-off sale. A BIG [...]
So, I decided I might dress up for Halloween after all, since we're having a party this weekend. But I need your help. I can't decide which costume to wear. Help me pick by voting [...]
I'm not quite sure what's going on around here, but things sure are getting festive (or creepy, depending on your point of view). The whole place is decked out in black and orange. There are [...]
Does Halloween come early for pets? It depends on how you interpret National Dress Up Your Pet Day, celebrated on January 14. The history of this holiday is a little murky. Does it mean dress [...]
Anyone recognize these two animals? Our twins helped celebrate The Animal Store's grand opening 16 years ago this Halloween weekend. Since then, we have helped thousands of families find just the right pet for their [...]