Izzy and her Russian Tortoise
More About Turtles and Tortoises Tortoise Care Wordless Wednesday 46. A very happy pet owner: Izzy and her new Russian Tortoise named Peanut Butter. #WW
More About Turtles and Tortoises Tortoise Care Wordless Wednesday 46. A very happy pet owner: Izzy and her new Russian Tortoise named Peanut Butter. #WW
Happy Pet Owners Here's a brief look at our visit with folks from the Purple Cow @ Home. See their complete visit here. Recently, our friends [...]
Happy Thanksgiving! Exo Terra Reptile Habitat Buy one, get 15% off all accessories Set your reptile up in style. Buy any size Exo Terra reptile habitat and get 15% off all accessories to decorate the [...]
More About Turtles and Tortoises Tortoise Care Wordless Wednesday 29. Another happy pet owner: Amelia and her new Red Foot Tortoise. #WW
"A fruitfly is ancient in 40 days, a mouse at 3 years, a horse at 30, a man at 100, and some species of tortoises not until [...]
“It is amazing how much love and laughter [pets] bring into our lives and even how much closer we become with each other because of them.” ― John Grogan, [...]
While there are no guarantees any pet will be completely hypoallergenic, some species and breeds are better choices. Start with your doctor or allergist. Ask [...]
If you have been following along on Facebook or Twitter, you already know that the 4th of July weekend brought a lot of excitement to us here at The Animal Store. In the end, [...]
Please help us find Spur. *Update: Spur was returned safely on July 4, 2011. In the wee hours this morning, we go a phone call at home — never a good sign. Someone had [...]