Let me introduce myself. I’m Ernie, the new Animal Store blogger. We’ve probably met before. I’m the good-looking dude in the 1500-gallon tank, back of the store. That’s my my crib. Those other fish are freeloaders.
So, we’re trying to spiffy things up around here: a new look for the blog, some fresh ink (from yours truly), and a completely new website (or so I’ve been told. That’s been a long time coming.)
I need some help from you. I’m looking for some eye candy — gorgeous new graphics, photos and videos for the website. But as you can see from these sad pics of me, I need better photographers.
Do you have pictures of an Animal Store pet that has come home to live with you, maybe:
- with the kids
- a short video
- a shot of the hedgehog curled up with the ferret
I’d take the pictures myself, but our underwater camera isn’t so great for the feathered and furry guys on the other side of the store.
I’m trying to talk the Old Man (owner-dude Kenn Bearman) into a photo/video contest. Kenn and I are tight, so I’m sure I can squeeze some rockin’ prizes out of him. So set up the tripod, take out the FlipCam and get snappin’. And bring your camera the next time you visit. I promise to smile pretty.
Then send your digital images to me, Ernie, here at The Animal Store. I’ll be waiting.
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