dscn0077Welcome to The Animal Store blog. This is the place for the latest news and information on the best pet store on Chicago’s North Shore, and in the world of pets in general.

Did you know that today is Puppy Mill Awareness Day? When you phone The Animal Store, you will hear that “we sell all kinds of live, exotic animals; however, we sell no dogs.” We love dogs here at The Animal Store. In fact, if you stop in you might even meet Kenn’s Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier, Hazel (that’s her in the picture).

You can also find everything you need at The Animal Store to keep your dog happy and healthy for years to come. Visit us in person or on the Web. Mention that you read this blog post and get 25% off our regular low price on any dog treat or chew. (Offer expired.)

We look forward to hearing from you. Please comment and check back often.