“What I like most about an aquarium is that all ages, from toddlers to pre-schoolers to retired grandparents, can really enjoy the wonders of the sea.”

Jim Pattison

We’re freshwater specialists

Guppies to goldfish

Goldfish and guppy

Tiger Marble angelfish

Angel fish to zebra danio
Zebra barb danio

Snowflake eels to
red flame gouramis

With more than 70 tanks of tropical fish, The Animal Store offers aquarium hobbyists a huge, varied, and always-changing selection of fish. From first-time pet owners to experienced aquarists, we have everything you need to maintain and populate your home or office aquarium. Visit often, because we get in new varieties all the time.

The Animal Store Fish Department

We’ve got the fish you want

While we get new varieties of fish weekly, you can almost always count on the following. Many more in store.

Angel Koi
Badis Badis
Bichir Senegalus


Cichlids (assorted African)
Discus (Assorted)
Elephant Nose
Glo Fish

Goldfish (assorted)
Gourami (assorted)
Guppy (assorted)
Knife Fish

Oscars (assorted)
Platys (assorted)
Puffer (freshwater)
Rainbow Neon Dwarfs

Rasboras (assorted)
Sharks (assorted)
Silver Dollars
Tetras (assorted)

Aquarium snail

Fun Fact

Fresh and saltwater aquarium fish are the most popular pets in the United States—about 12 million homes have aquariums

Join The Animal Store Pet Club today and receive 10% discounts on fish and live plants everyday, plus many other discounts.